Melissa McCue-McGrath, CPDT-KA is presenting across the Northeast on the click-n-ship phenomenon as it relates to rescues, shelters, breeders and puppy mills that ship dogs directly to families. She is exploring its impact on the professionals who work with these dogs after the dogs are placed.
Her first book, Considerations for the City Dog (published 2015), dives into common issues that face our dogs in populated environments, and details protocols that urban dog owners should consider when bringing our best friends to the concrete jungle.
She teaches a variety of classes (including disc dog) outside of Boston, MA where she lives with her husband, daughter, two cats, and southern rescue, “Captain Love” (because every kid should name the family dog). Additionally, Melissa is half of Car Talk’s new F.I.D.O. blog and the Co-Training Director of New England Dog Training Club in Cambridge, MA.