Give our on-demand courses a try – at no risk! These courses are either promoting a product or are just a fun course that we did for free. Either way, it gives you a chance to try them out risk free, and see if it’s a product that works for you. If you enjoy these courses, be sure to check out our many on-demand courses that provide education and help for your business. Free courses do not qualify for CEUs.
- A Step-By-Step DIY Website Audit
- Are You Ready to Train Your Own Service Dog?
- Mid-year business check-in: an opportunity to share ideas and get insight into successful business practices of PocketSuite’s community of dog trainers
- Beyond Herding 101: The Sexy Stuff!
- “Can you help me train my service dog?” What to know before you take the case
- The Case for Dog Bite Hierarchies
- Dominance: Anatomy of a Mind Virus
- Good to Great: Start Whipping Your Business in to Shape (Pre-Requisite Course)
- Defining “Saved”: How Click-n-Ship Culture Affects Rescue Dogs, Their Families, and Dog Trainers
- Dog & Baby Connection
- Dogs & Storks
- Dogs Bite: But Balloons & Slippers Are More Dangerous
- Financials? What financials?
- Positive Herding 101
- Systems Keep the Ball Rolling
- Types of Learning
- What’s that you say? You want to be a dog trainer?