Raising Canine

Working with Different Clients

Course Information:

For many trainers, working with the human half of the team is hard enough, but what if your client has a disability? What if you’re working with a senior citizen? Get insight into working with different populations, along with tips for adjusting your coaching style for maximum results and client compliance. You can’t help the dogs if you can’t reach the people!

Pre-requisites OR Target Level of Knowledge: n/a
Instructor: Teoti Anderson, CPDT-KA
Continuing Education Units (CEUs):
CPDT-KA: 1.5
IAABC: 1.5
e-mail about CEUs for other organizations
Course Length: 1.5 hr
Original Air Date: 2018
Course Cost: $30.00

Contact Information: sue@raisingcanine.com
Frequently Asked Questions

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Refund Policy: The course fee will be refunded, in its entirety, so long as the enrollee requests a refund in writing no later than the 14th day after the course is purchased.