Raising Canine

Training Deaf and/or Blind Dogs

Course Information:

This course is classified as an “Oldie but Goodie.” For more information on Oldies but Goodies, click here.

Just because a dog is deaf and/or blind doesn’t mean his brain doesn’t work. These dogs are just as intelligent as “Joe Normal” dogs, and training them just means using some critical thinking to be a creative problem solver. Learn how to use the other senses to train the most requested owner behaviors using positive reinforcement techniques.

Some key points that will be covered:

  • How do dogs become deaf / blind?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • How can you test if a dog is deaf?
  • Are vibration collars a good idea?
  • Why do some deaf / blind dogs become aggressive or develop anxiety?
  • What cues and behaviors can I teach my dog?
  • Is ASL the best for training a deaf dog?
  • How do you communicate?
  • How to handle relationships between other house hold pets after your dog goes deaf / blind?
  • How to avoid major problems & aggression?
  • Do I need to euthanize my dog?
Pre-requisites OR Target Level of Knowledge:  N/A
Instructor: Jules Nye CPDT-KA, KPA CTP, ACDBC
Continuing Education Units (CEUs):
e-mail about CEUs for other organizations
Course Length:  1.5 hrs
Original Air Date:  2012
Course Cost:  $30.00

Contact Information:  sue@raisingcanine.com
Frequently Asked Questions

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by speaker, topic, CEUs, and cost by clicking here.

Refund Policy: The course fee will be refunded, in its entirety, so long as the enrollee requests a refund in writing no later than the 14th day after the course is purchased.