Raising Canine


The Business End of Dog Training!

Course Information:

These courses are classified as an “Oldie but Goodie.” For more information on Oldies but Goodies, click here.

$100.00 for all 3 sessions
$ 40.00 for each individual session

This is a three-part series addressing the business of training dogs, presented by Veronica Boutelle of dogTEC. Each section will last for 90 minutes and can be taken individually. This course is designed to be appropriate for both new business owners and those who have an existing business. Section one is the “The Legalities & Logistics, or The Dry but Necessary,” section two is “’Build It & They Will Come:’ Marketing (It Can Be Easier & Cheaper Than You Think!),” and section three is “Professional Burnout: Tips to Keep You Doing What You Love.” Each section is described in detail under its individual heading below.

Section 1: The Legalities & Logistics,or The Dry but Necessary
This is a three-part series addressing the business of training dogs, presented by Veronica Boutelle of dogTEC. Each section will last for 90 minutes and can be taken individually. This course is designed to be appropriate for both new business owners and those who have an existing business. Section one is the “The Legalities & Logistics, or The Dry but Necessary,” and will be held on September 27, 2005 at 1:30pm Central time. Section two is “’Build It & They Will Come:’ Marketing (It Can Be Easier & Cheaper Than You Think!),” and will be held on October 11, 2005 at 1:30 Central time. Section three is “Professional Burnout: Tips to Keep You Doing What You Love” and will be held on October 25, 2005 at 1:30 Central time. Each section is $35; if you purchase all three courses at the same time, the cost is $90.00. Each section is described in detail under its individual heading below.

This course will cover the logistical issues of starting and running a business. You will learn how to limit your liability through contracts, insurance and limited liability companies. Another tedious but necessary chore is the paperwork required to open and run a business; this course teaches you what is necessary and what is optional and how to do it with the least amount of pain! Finally, you’ll learn how to take care of all that money you’ll be raking in – who said dog trainers can’t take vacations!

Section 2: “Build It & They Will Come:” Marketing (It Can Be Easier & Cheaper Than You Think!)
Marketing! So necessary and so NOT what we want to do! Learn how to define and refine your message – find your niche in the training market and streamline your marketing by reaching the appropriate audience. Learn the theory of contact points. Finally, learn how to get the most bang for your marketing buck – you’ll get invaluable tips and strategies for stretching your marketing budget.

Section 3: Avoiding Professional Burnout: Tips to Keep You Doing What You Love
This subject is so important for trainers! Training can be a very emotional business and if you don’t learn to set boundaries, you run the very real risk of burn out! However, if you do learn to set reasonable limits you will be able to be professional and successful as a trainer, stay in the business longer, and ultimately help more families with companion animals. In this course you will learn how to screen your clients (both human and canine!), assess your clients’ potential, learn when to cut a client loose, charge what you’re worth and – just as importantly – collect it! You’ll also learn to take personal time, avoid tasks you hate doing (but in a responsible manner), and learn how to develop and maintain a sustainable pro bono or reduced rate program, rather than giving away the farm!

Pre-requisites OR Target Level of Knowledge: n/a
Instructor: Veronica Boutelle, M.A.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs):  Each section qualifies for 1.5 CEUs, or 4.5 for all three sections
e-mail about CEUs for other organizations 
Course Length: 1.5 hrs per session
Original Air Date: September 2005
Course Cost:
Section 1:
The Legalities & Logistics,or The Dry but Necessary
Section 2:
“Build It & They Will Come:” Marketing (It Can Be Easier & Cheaper Than You Think!)
Section 3:
Avoiding Professional Burnout: Tips to Keep You Doing What You Love
All Three Sessions: $100.00

Contact Information: sue@raisingcanine.com

Frequently Asked Questions

Don’t forget to search over 350 Raising Canine webinars
by speaker, topic, CEUs, and cost by clicking here.

Refund Policy: The course fee will be refunded, in its entirety, so long as the enrollee requests a refund in writing no later than the 14th day after the course is purchased.