Raising Canine

SDiT, ESA, ADA, Alphabet Soup?! A Guide to US Service Dog Laws & Terms for Dog Trainers

Pet dog trainers are often approached by clients who want help with training a service dog, emotional support animal, or what they may refer to as a “therapy dog” for themselves or a disabled family member. What do all these terms mean, and what are your responsibilities as a trainer?This presentation will clear up confusion on topics such as

  • How the laws for service-dogs-in-training (SDiTs) differ from laws for trained service dogs, which vary by state, and how to find out what your state laws require
  • What the Fair Housing Act means by “assistance animal” and how it applies to dogs and pets of other species
  • What the Air Carrier Access Act now requires for flying with a dog

This presentation will explain the legal meanings and differences between these terms in the United States, the requirements for training each, differences in US state laws for service-dogs-in-training, how the laws apply to housing and flying, the standards of behavior and appearance for service dogs, and explain the reality behind the question of “certification.”

You’ll also learn how to distinguish between legal requirements and ethical or community standards, and how to apply these concepts to working with clients. NOTE: The presenter is NOT a lawyer. This information is provided for informational purposes to be useful for day-to-day training situations for an owner-trainer or professional trainer.

Pre-requisites OR Target Level of Knowledge:  n/a
Instructor:  Sharon Wachsler, CPDT-KA, KPA
Continuing Education Units (CEUs):
CBCC-KA: n/a
CPDT-KA:  1.5
IAABC:  1.5
IACP: 1.5
e-mail about CEUs for other organizations
Course Length:  1.5 hr
Original Air Date:  2024
Course Cost:  $30.00

Contact Information:  sue@raisingcanine.com
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Refund Policy: The course fee will be refunded, in its entirety, so long as the enrollee requests a refund in writing no later than the 14th day after the course is purchased.