Raising Canine

Inappropriate Elimination in Cats – Urinating & Spraying

Course Information:

This course is classified as an “Oldie but Goodie.” For more information on Oldies but Goodies, click here.

Learn how to address one of the most problematic behaviors in cats – inappropriate elimination! Whether it’s not being trained to a litter box, environmental issues, or spraying, this is a behavior that is life-threatening to pet cats – and very common! Join Marilyn Krieger, the “Cat Lady,” as she discusses this very serious issue.

This course is targeted for trainers and behaviorists, but is open to the public.

Pre-requisites OR Target Level of Knowledge: N/A
Instructor: Marilyn Krieger
Continuing Education Units (CEUs):
CPDT-KA:  1.5
e-mail about CEUs for other organizations
Course Length: 1.5 hours
Original Air Date: 2008
Course Cost: $15.00

Contact Information: sue@raisingcanine.com
Frequently Asked Questions

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by speaker, topic, CEUs, and cost by clicking here.

Refund Policy: The course fee will be refunded, in its entirety, so long as the enrollee requests a refund in writing no later than the 14th day after the course is purchased.