Course Information:
Entire Series – $40.00
Each Section – $15.00
Join Jennifer Shryock, owner of Family Paws and author of the “Dogs & Storks™” program, in this 3-part series addressing families and dogs. You can sign up for the entire series at a discounted price, or you can take each part separately . Jennifer specializes in families, and has a wealth of knowledge in this area. To enroll in the entire series, click here:
This course is classified as an “Oldie but Goodie.” For more information on Oldies but Goodies, click here.
Dogs & Families Part I – Including Dogs While Preparing for Baby
In this first section of the Dogs & Families series, Jennifer will discuss the challenges young families with dogs encounter during pregnancy, when bringing a newborn home, and throughout the infancy of the child. She will give tips on ways to make this monumental change in the family structure smoother for both the new parents and the dogs!
This course is classified as an “Oldie but Goodie.” For more information on Oldies but Goodies, click here.
Dogs & Families Part II – Dogs & Tots
Having a toddler in the house, can be one of the most chaotic periods of a families life – and just imagine what that 8-year-old dog is thinking! During this second section of the Dogs & Families series, Jennifer discusses how to manage the household, dog and toddler so that everyone can live in harmony.
This course is classified as an “Oldie but Goodie.” For more information on Oldies but Goodies, click here.
Dogs & Families Part III – Dogs & Kids
In this final section, Jennifer talks about older kids and dogs. The kids are no longer toddlers, are beginning to have control over their own lives and are creating their own agendas. They are embarking on a journey where they begin to develop a social life and are having friends over to visit. If only they acted like adults! But they don’t, so we need to help both the children and the dogs to adjust to this change in the family dynamic. If done properly, this can be the most rewarding time in a family’s and dog’s life. Those that have taken the Dogs & Storks program will have already have heard much of this talk, but there will be new information, as well. |